College voor Universiteit van Nederland (in Dutch)

10% van wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot door voedselverspilling
Webinar on consumer food waste
Featuring food waste experts from across Europe, the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) has presented four webinars in the 2019 series on ‘Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain’. In one of these webinars, Jenny Carr (Citizen Campaigns Project Manager at WRAP), Dr Erica Van Herpen (Associate Professor at Wageningen University), Stephanie Wunder (Coordinator Food Systems at Ecologic Institute) and Tom Quested (Research Analyst at WRAP Global) discuss drivers and interventions to tackle food waste at home: What drives food waste in the home? What are the household practices that contribute to it? How can we most effectively design policy interventions and evaluate impacts to prevent it? The webinar can be found here.

Podcast on household food waste (in Dutch)
A podcast on the topic of household food waste has been recorded on the occasion of the 2019 NVRD Jaarcongres. It can be found here.

Presentation about household food waste
An excerpt from a presentation during the bioeconomy policy day of the European Commission. More information on the bioeconomy policy day can be found here.

video bio-economy day - kopieTrim
Virtual supermarket
In several of my research projects, I have used a virtual supermarket to gain insight into consumer decision making. Are consumers more likely to buy a product when emptied shelf space shows that others before them have selected it? Are consumers more likely to choose sustainable products when these are placed in a separate section on the shelf? These are the types of questions that we wanted to answer. The virtual supermarket has been developed by Green Dino: