Erica van Herpen
Marketing and Consumer Behavior Group
Wageningen University
The Netherlands

Academic position
Associate Professor
2015 - Present
Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group
Wageningen University
Assistant Professor
2001 - 2015
2010 - present
Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group
Wageningen University
2010 - present
Ph.D. in Marketing, Tilburg University
“Consumers’ Perceptions and Evaluations of Store Assortments”
Promotor: Prof. dr. Rik Pieters
International experience
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
3 Month visit, 2008
University of Florida, Gainesville
5 month visit, 1998
Selected peer-reviewed publications
Ribbers, D., van Herpen, E., Pandelaere, M., & Geuens, M. (2024). Morals over money: The relationship between moral motivations and consumers' food waste. Sustainable Production and Consumption
Ramos, G. J., Borges, J. A. R., de Faria Domingues, C. H. & van Herpen, E. (2024). Reducing food waste by simply measuring it: Insights from interventions to reduce household food waste. Britisch Food Journal, 126, 812-833.
van Herpen, E., Wijnen, T., Quested, T., Reynolds, C., & Sharda, N. (2023). Convenient tools and social norms: The effectiveness of an intervention to diminish household food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 429, 139604.
van Lin, A., Aydinli, A., Bertini, M., van Herpen, E., & Von Schuckmann, J. (2023). Does Cash Really Mean Trash? An Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Retailer Price Promotions on Household Food Waste. Journal of Consumer Research.
Cooper, A., Lion, R., Rodriquez-Sierra, O.E., Jeffrey, P., Thomson, D., Peters, K., Christopher, L., Zhu, M.J.H., Wistrand, L., van der Werf, P., & van Herpen, E. (2023). Use-up day and flexible recipes : Reducing household food waste by helping families prepare food they already have. Resources, Conservation and Recycling.
Nguyen, V., de Leeuw, S., & van Herpen, E. (2023). The impact of social vs environmental sustainability information disclosure on consumer choice of delivery time with varying sustainability concerns. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
Nikravech, M., Langen, N., van Herpen, E., Schuster, S., & Speck, M. (2023). Leftovers lovers vs. haters: A latent class analysis on dinner leftover management behaviours. Appetite.
Steenis, N., van Herpen, E., van der Lans, I., & van Trijp, H. (2023). Partially Green, Wholly Deceptive? How Consumers Respond to (In)Consistently Sustainable Packaged Products in the Presence of Sustainability Claims. Journal of Advertising.
Zhang, Y., van Herpen, E., Van Loo, E.J., Pandelaer, M. & Geuens, M. (2023). Save near-expired food: Does a message to avoid food waste affect food purchase and household waste prevention behaviors? Journal of Cleaner Production,
Ribbers, D., Geuens, M., Pandelaere, M., & van Herpen, E. (2023). Development and validation of the motivation to avoid food waste scale. Global Environmental Change, 78, 102626.
Pachali, M. J., Kotschedoff, M. J., van Lin, A., Bronnenberg, B. J., & van Herpen, E. (2023). How Do Nutritional Warning Labels Affect Prices? Journal of Marketing Research, 00222437221105014.
Vittuari, M. Garcia Herrero, L., Masotti, M., Iori, E., Caldeira, C., Qian, Z., Burns, H., van Herpen, E., Obersteiner, G., Kaptan, G., Liu, G., Mikkelsen, B.E., Swannell, R., Kasza, G., Nohlen, H., & Sala, S. (2023). How to reduce consumer food waste at the household level: A literature review on drivers and levers for behavioural change. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 38, 104-114.
Schuster, S., Speck, M., Van Herpen, E., Buchborn, F., Langen, N., Nikravech, M., ... & Bickel, M. (2022). Do meal boxes reduce food waste from households?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 375, 134001.
Van Herpen, E., & Jaegers, K. (2022). Less waste versus higher quality: how to stimulate consumer demand for frozen bread. British Food Journal, 124(13), 340-358.
van Herpen, E., De Hooge, I. E., de Visser-Amundson, A., & Kleijnen, M. H. P. (2021). Take it or leave it: How an opt-out strategy for doggy bags affects consumer food waste behavior and restaurant evaluations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 325, 129199.
Purnhagen, K. P., van Herpen, E., Kamps, S., & Michetti, F. (2021). Oversized area indications on bonus packs fail to affect consumers' transactional decisions: More experimental evidence on the Mars case. Journal of Consumer Policy, 44, 385-406.
van Geffen, L., van Herpen, E., & Sijtsema, S. J. (2020). A broader perspective on household food waste: A call for encompassing consumers' food related goals, the food system, and the impact of reduction activities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 163, [105041].
van Geffen, L., van Herpen, E., Sijtsema, S., & van Trijp, H. (2020). Food waste as the consequence of competing motivations, lack of opportunities, and insufficient abilities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling: X, 5, [100026].
Goedegebure, R. P. G., van Herpen, E., & van Trijp, H. C. M. (2020). Using product popularity to stimulate choice for light products in supermarkets: An examination in virtual reality. Food Quality and Preference, 79, [103786].
Davison, S., van Geffen, E. J., van Herpen, H. W. I., & Sharp, A. (2020). Applying Behaviour Change Methods to Food Waste. In C. Reynolds, T. Soma, C. Spring, & J. Lazell (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Food Waste Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group.
van Herpen, E., I. A. van der Lans, N. Holthuysen, M. Nijenhuis-de Vries, and T. E. Quested (2019). Comparing wasted apples and oranges: An assessment of methods to measure household food waste. Waste management, 88, 71-84.
van Herpen, E., and I. van der Lans (2019). A picture says it all? The validity of photograph coding to assess household food waste. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 71-77.
van Herpen, E., and I. de Hooge (2019). When product attitudes go to waste: Wasting products with remaining utility decreases consumers' product attitudes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210, 410-418.
Melnyk, V., E. van Herpen, S. Jak, and H. van Trijp (2019). The mechanism of the social norms' influence on consumer decision making: A meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Special Issue "Hotspots in Psychology 2019", 227, 4-17.
van Herpen, E., van Geffen, L., Nijenhuis-de Vries, M., Holthuysen, N., van der Lans, I., & Quested, T. (2019). A validated survey to measure household food waste. MethodsX, 6, 2767-2775.
van Geffen, E. J., van Herpen, H. W. I., & van Trijp, J. C. M. (2019). Household Food Waste—How to Avoid It? An Integrative Review. In E. Närvänen, N. Mesiranta, M. Mattila, & A. Heikkinen (Eds.), Food Waste Management (pp. 27-55). Palgrave Macmillan.
van Herpen, E., and A. Bosmans. (2018). Arranging the assortment to arouse choice: Effects of goal-relevant assortment organization on food choice and variety perception. Food Quality and Preference, 64, 192-204.
Steenis, N. D., I. A. van der Lans, E. van Herpen, and H. C. M. van Trijp. The effects of sustainable packaging design strategies on consumer preferences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 854-865.
Van Herpen, E., and H. C. M. van Trijp. (2018). EU health claims: A consumer perspective. Book chapter, Regulating Food Safety Law in the EU.
Li Xue, Gang Liu, Julian Parfitt, Xiaojie Liu, Erica van Herpen, Åsa Stenmarck, Clementine O’Connor, Karin Östergren, and Shengkui Cheng (2017). Missing food, missing data? A critical review of global food losses and food waste data. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 6618-6633.
Ploydanai, K., Van den Puttelaar, J., Van Herpen, E., & Van Trijp, H. C. M. (2017). Using a virtual store as a research tool to investigate consumer in-store behavior. Journal of Visualized Experiments,
Zandstra, E. H., Carvalho, Á. H., & Van Herpen, E. (2017). Effects of front-of-pack social norm messages on food choice and liking. Food Quality and Preference, 58, 85-93.
Purnhagen, K. P., & van Herpen, E. (2017). Can Bonus Packs Mislead Consumers? A Demonstration of How Behavioural Consumer Research Can Inform Unfair Commercial Practices Law on the Example of the ECJ’s Mars Judgement. Journal of Consumer Policy, 40, 217-234.
Steenis, Nigel D., Erica van Herpen, Ivo A. van der Lans, Tom N. Ligthart, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2017). Consumer response to packaging design: The role of packaging materials and graphics in sustainability perceptions and product evaluations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 286-298.
Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Brach, S., Gremler, D. D., & van Herpen, E. (2017). The influence of service employees and other customers on customer unfriendliness: a social norms perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, 827-847.
van Herpen, E., van den Broek, E., van Trijp, H. C. M., & Yu, T. (2016). Can a virtual supermarket bring realism into the lab? Comparing shopping behavior using virtual and pictorial store representations to behavior in a physical store. Appetite, 107, 196- 207.
Purnhagen, K., van Herpen, E., & van Kleef, E. (2016). The Potential Use of Visual Packaging Elements as Nudges : An Analysis on the Example of the EU Health Claims Regime. In: Nudging - Possibilities, Limitations and Applications in European Law and Economics / Mathis, Klaus, Tor, Avishalom, Springer International Publishing Switzerland - ISBN 9783319295602 - p. 197 - 216.
van Herpen, E., Immink, V., & van den Puttelaar, J. (2016). Organics Unpacked: The Influence of Packaging on the Choice for Organic Fruits and Vegetables. Food Quality and Preference, 53 (October), 90-96.
van De Veer, E., van Herpen, E., & Van Trijp, H. C. (2016). Body and Mind: Mindfulness Helps Consumers to Compensate for Prior Food Intake by Enhancing the Responsiveness to Physiological Cues. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(5), 783-803.
van Herpen, E., 2016. Product Category Layout and Organization: Retail Placement of Food Products. Reference Module in Food Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 1–5.
Hieke, Sophie, Nera Kuljanic, Laura Fernandez, Liisa Lähteenmäki, Violeta Stancu, Monique Raats, Bernadette Egan, Kerry Brown, Hans van Trijp, Ellen van Kleef, Erica van Herpen, Andrea Gröppel-Klein, Stephanie Leick, Katja Pfeifer, Wim Verbeke, Christine Hoefkens, Sinne Smed, Léon Jansen, Anita Laser-Reuterswärd, Živa Korošec, Igor Pravst, Anita Kušar, Marija Klopčič, Jure Pohar, Azucena Gracia, Tiziana Magistris, Klaus Grunert (2016). Country differences in the history of use of health claims and symbols. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety, 6 (3). 148-168.
2015 and earlier
van Herpen, Erica, Arnout R. H. Fischer, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2015), "How to position 'mildly sustainable' products: The joint impact of assortment display and price setting," Food Quality and Preference, 46 (December), 26-32.
Van de Veer, Evelien, Erica van Herpen, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2015), “How do I look? Focusing attention on the outside body reduces responsiveness to internal signals in food intake,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 207-213.
Diehl, Kristin, Erica van Herpen, and Cait Lamberton (2015), “Organizing products with complements versus substitutes: Effects on effort, assortment perceptions and store preference,” Journal of Retailing, 91, 1-18.
Van Herpen, Erica, Rik Pieters, and Marcel Zeelenberg (2014), “When less sells more or less: The scarcity principle in wine choice,” Food Quality and Preference, 36, 153-160.
Van Herpen, Erica, Sophie Hieke, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2014), “Inferring product healthfulness from nutrition labelling. The influence of reference points,” Appetite, 72, 138-149.
Melnyk, Vladimir, Erica van Herpen, Arnout R. H. Fischer, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2013), "Regulatory fit effects for injunctive versus descriptive social norms: Evidence from the promotion of sustainable products," Marketing Letters, 24, 191-203.
Stefan, Violeta, Erica van Herpen, Ana Alina Tudoran, and Liisa Lahteenmaki (2013), “Avoiding food waste by Romanian consumers: The importance of planning and shopping routines,” Food Quality and Preference, 28, 375-381.
Van Herpen, Erica, Ellen Seiss, and Hans C. M. van Trijp, 2012, “The role of familiarity in front-of-pack label evaluation and use: A comparison between the United Kingdom and The Netherlands,” Food Quality and Preference, 26, 22-34.
Van Herpen, Erica, Erjen van Nierop, and Laurens Sloot, 2012, “The relationship between in-store marketing and observed sales for organic versus fair trade products,” Marketing Letters, 23, 293-308.
Van Herpen, Erica, and Hans van Trijp, 2011, “Front-of-pack nutrition labels. Their effect on attention and choices when consumers have varying goals and time constraints,” Appetite, 57(1), 148-160.
Melnyk, Vladimir, Erica van Herpen, Arnout Fischer, and Hans van Trijp, 2011, “To think or not to think: The effect of cognitive deliberation level on social norm influence,” Psychology & Marketing, 28(7), 709-729.
Kornelis, Marcel, Erica van Herpen, Ivo van der Lans, and Lusiné Aramyan, 2010, “Using non-food information to identify food-choice segment membership,” Food Quality and Preference, 21(5), 512-520.
Van Herpen, Erica, Rik Pieters and Marcel Zeelenberg, 2009, “When demand accelerates demand: Trailing the bandwagon,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(3), 302-312.
Van Herpen, Erica, and Rik Pieters, 2007, “Anticipated identification costs: Improving assortment evaluation by diagnostic attributes,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(1), 77-88.
Van Herpen, Erica, and Rik Pieters, 2002, “The variety of an assortment: An extension to the attribute-based approach,” Marketing Science, 21(3), 331-341.
Van Herpen, Erica, Rik Pieters, Jana Fidrmucova, and Peter Roosenboom, 2000, “The information content of magazine advertising in market and transition economies: A comparison of the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,” Journal of Consumer Policy, 23(3), 257-238.
Social Psychology (coordinator)
Human Decision Making
Sensory Perception and Consumer Preference
Cas Huisman
PhD candidate, ToNoWaste project funded by Horizon Europe, investigating food waste interventions, started in 2022
Yi Zhang
PhD candidate, FETE project funded by NWO, investigating retailing and household food waste, started in 2020
Daphne Ribbers
PhD candidate at Ghent University, investigating individual differences and household food waste, started in 2020
Frank Augustin
External PhD candidate, investigating food fraud, started in 2019
Lisanne van Geffen
PhD candidate, REFRESH project, investigating consumer behavior in relation to food waste, started in 2015
Nigel Steenis
Consumer response to sustainable packaging design, defended in 2019
Robert Goedegebure
Why we buy what others buy: The role of product popularity in consumer decision making, defended in 2019
Kunalai Ploydanai
Designing attractive stores: How the spatial layout of physical stores affects consumers' responses, defended in July 2019
Evelien van de Veer
Relying on satiety cues in food consumption: Studies on the role of social context, appearance focus, and mindfulness, defended in October 2013
Vladimir Melnyk
What is normal to do? Social norms as determinants of consumer decision making, defended in March 2011