Several projects that I am currently participating in or have participated in in the past.
Latest Projects

ToNoWaste is a project funded by Horizon Europe, and started in 2022. Across pilot cities, the project aims at developing and measuring the impact of interventions to diminish food waste.

FETE (Food Waste: From Excess to Enough) is a project funded by NWO, and started in 2020. The food system aims at providing large amounts of food anywhere, anytime, at expense of extensive food waste. This project investigates changes in the food system, focusing on both consumer and retail concepts, to obtain a transition from having excess to having enough. More info:

REFRESH ('Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain') is a project funded by EU Horizon 2020, started in 2015. REFRESH focuses on the reduction of avoidable food waste, and involves 26 partners from 12 European countries and China. More info on:
NUDGIS ('Novel Understanding of Designs for Good Intervention Strategies in the food environment') is a research program examining the effectiveness of nudges, to gently suggest healthier food choices. The program entails four projects, and I am involved in the project on the role of social context. More info on:
DONRO ('Developer of Nudges for Retail and Out‐of‐Home') is a topsector project investigating nudges related to retail atmospherics (light, music, scent). More info (in Dutch) on:

FOCOM is a consortium of companies and research institutions which will develop test systems, to get a better understanding of perception, choice, and eating behaviour. One of the systems that is being developed is a virtual choice environment.

CLYMBOL (‘Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour’) is a four year EU funded research project that will provide insights into consumer understanding and behaviour related to health information. More info on:

FLABEL (Food Labelling to Advance Better Education for Life) is an EU-funded research consortium that has dedicated itself over the course of 3 years (2008 – 2011) to establishing the role of, and identifying what can be achieved when, communicating nutrition information to consumers via food packaging labels. More info on:

The NUDGE project was conducted by a consortium of Wageningen Universiteit, Schuttelaar & Partners, HAS KennisTransfer and the Restaurant of the Future. The goal was to determine which nudges can stimulate the choice of sustainable and healthful products. More info on: